Besides knowledge-based courses, the hands-on activities, the cultivation of creativity, and the capstone courses are specially offered in our training.

Arranging undergraduate students to go to Hiroshima University, Southeastern University to have international academic interactions.

Double degree program with famous universities in the world.

Main research fields:Energy Technology, Solid Mechanics/Design, Advanced Materials, Precision Manufacturing, Thermal Fluids, System Engineering/Automatic Control, Opto-mechatronic Engineering, Electromechanical Integration.

Large research projects:Design of the IC/PV/LED manufacturing equipment, Energy storage, Fuel cells, Clean coal technology, CO2 capture, Wind power systems, Energy saving , Taiwan-Russia satellite.The average research budget from 2008 to 2010 was 0.099 billion NT dollars per year.

Each teacher publishes 2.7 pieces of SCI/SSCI publication per year.


IC/PV Equipment Design Program     Energy Storage Program      Satellite Design Program


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Address:No. 300, Jhongda Rd., Jhongli District, Taoyuan City 32001, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL: 886-3-4227151  ext.34000 / 886-3-425-0476 FAX: 886-3-422-6315