Objective:to be a world-class teaching and research institution.

Mission:to educate students with theoretical and  practical foundation in many subjects of materials science, as well as prepare them in conducting advanced research for next-generation frontier technologies.

Research fields:green materials, nanomaterials, optoelectronic and electronic materials, metallic materials, and oxide functional materials.

We actively engage joint research projects with top institutions including UTT, ITRI, TSMC, etc. We have established a top-notch laboratory for hydrogen-energy characterization and measurements.

©2012 National Central University Engineering College All Rights Reserved.

Address:No. 300, Jhongda Rd., Jhongli District, Taoyuan City 32001, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

TEL: 886-3-4227151  ext.34000 / 886-3-425-0476 FAX: 886-3-422-6315