【至5/3中午前截止】國立臺北科技大學徵求推薦工程學院院長候選人 公告啟事





一、 依據「國立臺北科技大學工程學院院長遴選辦法」公開徵求下一任院長候選人。


二、 任期:110 8 1 日至 113 7 31 日。


三、 本校工程學院計有七個學術單位:

(一)土木工程系  (含土木與防災碩、博士班)

(二)化學工程與生物科技系 (含博士班;化學工程碩士班;生化與醫工程碩士班)

(三) 分子科學與工程系 (含有機高分子碩、博士班)

(四) 材料及資源工程系

(五) 材料科學與工程研究所 (碩、博士班)

(六) 資源工程研究所(碩、博士班)

(七) 環境工程與管理研究所 (碩、博士班)


四、 院長候選人資格如次:






五、 申請者請提供2封推薦函,並填妥「國立臺北科技大學工程學院院長候選人資料表」後,連同候選人身分證正反面影本、學位證書影本、教授證書影本等,於 110 5 3 (星期一)中午前送達,或以掛號逕寄:

臺北科技大學工程學院 院長遴選委員會收。

地址:10608 臺北市忠孝東路三段一號 臺北科技大學工程學院


電話:(0227712171 4522

E-mail: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它



六、 本啟事及候選人資料表(含推薦表)同時刊登於下列網址: 國立臺北科技大學網頁:http://www.ntut.edu.tw ;工程學院網頁:https://coeng.ntut.edu.tw/index.php


Nomination Information for Dean of the College of Engineering

National Taipei University of Technology (NTUT), Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C

Based on the “NTUT College of Engineering Dean Selection Regulation”, we hereby publicly announce a search for nominees to be the new Dean of the College of Engineering. The Dean provides administrative leadership for the college and fosters excellence in the areas of service , teaching and research. The Dean also plays a critical and collaborative role in fundraising and development.


The Dean’s term of office is 3 years, from August 1, 2021 to July 31, 2024.

About the College

The College of Engineering at NTUT is currently composed of six graduate institutes and four undergraduate departments.

Graduate Institutes that offers both M.S. and Ph.D. degrees

(1)    Civil & Disaster Prevention Engineering 

(2)    Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology

(3)    Organic & Polymeric Materials

(4)    Materials Science & Engineering

(5)    Mineral Resources Engineering 

(6)    Environmental Engineering & Management

Undergraduate Departments

(1)    Civil Engineering 

(2)    Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology,

(3)    Molecular Science & Engineering 

(4)    Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering


    The status of full professor (or academically equivalent levels) justified by the Minister of Education;

    Distinguished academic achievements with no less than 3 years of experience managing academic or administrative units;

    Enthusiasm as well as a progressive view of education;

    Research interests in compliance with the academic fields available at college of engineering at NTUT.


Nominees must send the following documents via registered mail or deliver in person to the recruiting committee of College of Engineering at NTUT to be considered for the position by noon (Monday), May 3, 2021:

    two individual recommendation letters with all blanks appropriately filled out,

    a copy of the nominee’s personal ID (both sides),

    a copy of the nominee’s university diploma as well as a full professor certificate.

Mailing Address

c/o Ms. Chen

College of Engineering, National Taipei University of Technology

No. 1, Sec. 3, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Taipei, Taiwan, 106

Phone: (02)2771-2171, Ext. 4522

Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它  

Fax: (02) 2776-3980

Please refer to the websites for information about NTUT and the College of Engineering.  https://www.ntut.edu.tw/ 



●Dean Nomination Information and Dean Nomination Recommendation Form (click here)



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